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October 16, 2024



I would like to thank Beyoncé for this year

Let’s take a trip down memory lane to fall 2023. It all started with a chat during ‘kolmoskierros’, when one of my friends casually dropped, “Hey Kerttu, why don’t you apply to the KY Board?” I laughed, because I was so taken aback, the idea felt about as realistic as suddenly becoming fluent in Greek.

I had not done anything at KY since my mursu year, and didn’t feel competent enough at all. However, the idea quickly grew on me and then the next thing I knew, I was writing my application, thinking, “Maybe I can do this!”

And turns out I could. In addition to the official stuff that came with being in the KY Board, I also met the most amazing people. This is so cliché, but KY Board 2024 will forever have my heart. We’ve had intense workdays, laughed until our stomachs hurt, and still managed to keep KY running smoothly.

In terms of my main board responsibility—academic affairs—most of my work is done together with Liina (the board’s other academic affairs responsible). Moreover, the main things that Liina and I do are attend meetings with the Business School faculty, report what issues were discussed in the meetings, discuss these relevant issues (highlight from this year: artificial intelligence), and finally gather feedback from business students. Furthermore, my goal this year was to make it more visible to KY members and a more accessible sector for both the KY Office and the RepCo. I hope that I succeeded, and by the end of the year others have a better grasp on the what, where and to whom.

If this sparked your interest in academic affairs, or KY Board in general. Feel free to contact me anytime to talk more about the subject <3  I hope you have a lovely fall!

Kerttu Lammi

Academic Affairs and Internationality

TG @kerttuml

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