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October 16, 2024



He who discerns the worth of time is most distressed whenever time is lost

I’m Hector, the corporate relations & work and career responsible at the KY Board. Time flies when you’re having a blast, and that’s especially true at KY. One year ago, I was a second-year finance student on track to finish my bachelor’s degree in 2.5 years. I had been an active member in NESU in 2023 and an economics tutor last fall. Never did I imagine that I’d apply to the KY Board last year, but spontaneity got the best of me. The fear of failure was present, but overshadowed by the hope within me for Better Business – and a Better Society™.

I had fallen victim to my own success, burdened by aspirations for greatness, I took on the journey of corporate relations and formed my own fellowship, CORE’24. Together, we explored the vast expanse of the corporate world, we endeavored ruthless challenges achieving flauntless, yet precisely defined goals, all while following my divine predecessors’ wise words. We implemented sacred data into our internal and external processes, amassing a colossal collection of sentiment for our fellow partners to feast upon. The mouth of the dragon had been opened, like a modern-day oracle, and all the promises we made materialized fulfilling the Great Prophecy of Exclusivity, envisioned by my most recent predecessor.

We had become the epitome of success, the true creators of stakeholder satisfaction. We had transcended all of our previously set targets, shining an ever so faint light from the mouth of the monumental tower we had built upon our journey, reminding us of where it all began. We rose to the apex of actualisation and stood tall above what we had created and what it had ultimately been – a fellowship of travelers of humble beginnings – by the people, for the people. The CORE message behind it all. Realizing the abomination we had awoken, we had to cook our own golden goose to feed the very people we swore to serve. The true panacea was within our grasp, by disbanding our merry band of brothers and sisters and passing on our wisdom to the people, we could achieve true salvation.

Snap! Darkness descended upon us, as the tower began collapsing, leaving behind a strong foundation forged by the continuous fatigue of the wobbling tower once upon it. As the people looked up, to what had been the stairway to heaven, oblivious to the festering rot in the blocks that had once formed the tower, a faint approaching light illuminated the void-like sky. Hope. Hope for the coming of an institution not reaching for the skies, but expanding with the horizon, building a web of strong foundations, enabling the people to transcend into greatness along their own paths. Now the people awaited a prophet to bring this institution of light to life.

On a more playful note, my work in the corporate relations sector mainly involves communicating with our partners, coordinating with our corporate relations coordinator, brainstorming ideas for the sector, handling contracts, and ensuring those contracts are fulfilled. Along with corporate relations work, I partake in board work, which I’m sure is thoroughly gone through in the other blog posts.

Do or do not – there is no try,

Hector Björklund

040 485 8828

TG @hectorbjo

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